Quiz Bowl Team Wraps Up Successful Season

Sebastian Beauchamp, Junior Writer

On April 15th, the Edsel Ford Quiz Bowl (members: Felix Wilson-Schwartz, Nathan Wiley, Mackenna Shaw, Sebastian Beauchamp, Catherine Garcia, Salman Ahmad, and Lauren Boyce) traveled to the University of Michigan-Ann Arbor to compete at the 2023 NAQT Michigan Class A State Quiz Bowl Championship. The Quiz Bowl tournament was held to see who would be the most dominant school in the state of Michigan. 

The Quiz Bowl State Tournament competed against 23 different teams across Michigan. The Edsel Ford Quiz Bowl team went against teams from the metro Detroit area to the outskirts of Grand Rapids. The Edsel Ford Quiz Bowl team played 2 sections. In the first half of the tournament, Edsel Ford went against: 

Detroit Catholic Central L (35 – 680)

Grosse Pointe South L (75 – 210)

Holt L (115 – 170)

Carlson L (125 – 160)

Howell L (40 – 325)

In the second half, Edsel Ford went against: 

St. Joseph W (150-120)

East Grand Rapids L (145 – 290)

Holt W (165 – 105)

Grand Blanc L (145 – 170)

Flushing W (165 – 65)


At the end of the tournament, Edsel Ford went 3-7. The Edsel Ford Quiz Bowl team will officially join the Wayne Quiz Bowl League group next year to compete against nearby teams in Wayne County. One of our Edsel Ford teammates, Felix Wilson-Schwartz, came in 12th out of 144 students at the tournament.


Here are a few questions answered by the Edsel Ford Quiz Bowl Coach Herr Sedore.


Q: How do you think our Quiz Bowl season has gone so far?


A: SEDORE: It’s been a big success. We went to two tournaments this year including State Finals; we won several games in tournaments and our very own Felix Wilson-Schwartz finished 12th out of 144 contestants at the State Tournament. It’s been a good foundation year for our team.”


Q: What are you most proud of the team?


A: SEDORE: “I’m very proud that we have gone into these tournaments with it being a brand new experience for us, and have learned a lot and even gone up to some of the best teams without fear, including Catholic Central and several other teams that are big players in the Quiz Bowl scene.”


Q: What are your predictions for the future of the Edsel Ford Quiz Bowl team?


A: SEDORE: “Next year, our plan is to join the Wayne Quiz Bowl League which currently has 14 teams including Dearborn High. The team that won the league this year was Carlson which went undefeated in the league and we nearly beat them, so I don’t see a reason why we couldn’t go in and win the league championship next year.”


Q: What is one way for Edsel Ford to improve next year?


A: SEDORE: “One thing we can use is mainly studying literature, current events, and classical music. Those are things we plan on working on going into the future, but also Quiz Bowl is open for everyone. So if anyone is interested in trivia or trivia games should come. We practice every Tuesday after school. We can especially use people who know those categories.”


Next Tuesday (5/8), in Mr. Sedore’s classroom, the Edsel Ford Quiz Bowl team will be going against the school faculty to see who would be the most superior of the school. Who will win?