Every year, Edsel Ford High School holds two charity week events to raise funds for local and worldwide charities. One of those weeks includes Dearborn Public Schools’ “Battle Against Hunger.” Battle Against Hunger is a student-driven, week-long charity event held from November 18th to 22nd throughout the district, where students and members of the community can donate canned goods or funds to the chosen charity. Edsel Ford and 20 other participating schools around Dearborn were home to hundreds of students donating every day.
This year’s food donations will go to Zaman International, a non-profit organization dedicated to helping mothers and children break the cycle of poverty. Zaman International has served over 480,000 women and children in southeast Michigan and more than 4 million worldwide. The district-wide charity was kicked off with Eat Around Dearborn, a community-wide dine-to-donate event where restaurants all around Dearborn donated a portion of each bill per customer request. This year, some of the hottest spots in Dearborn participated in Eat Around Dearborn, including Dearborn Nutrition, IceBerg, Brome Modern Eatery, and more amazing places around town.
Throughout the week, students of Dearborn Public Schools were able to donate canned goods during the school day. At Edsel Ford, seniors Jamal Morshed and Vivienne Wisnewski were some of the volunteering students who visited classrooms throughout the week to collect donations from students and staff.
“It was really good to see so many students donating every day,” said senior Vivienne Wisnewski. After the incredible efforts from students and staff throughout the week, all the donations were in.
This year, Dearborn Public Schools raised roughly 15,650 pounds, or 7.8 tons, of food to donate to Zaman International to help those in need. Battle Against Hunger 2024 was one for the books in Dearborn Public Schools, donating almost 2 tons more food than the previous year.
“It is important for us to come together because all of the schools within the district are working towards a common goal, and that is to help those in need,” said Daniel Pletzke, Edsel Ford’s coordinator for Battle Against Hunger.
As the years go on, Dearborn Public Schools students never seem to disappoint, donating more and more every year. Battle Against Hunger is a Dearborn tradition like no other, as the city comes together to help those in need; Dearborn can make a difference.