Nope: Film Review

December 16, 2022
Nope is an incredible horror sci-fi film written, co-produced and directed by the one and only Jordan Peele. As a group, we all discussed our love of Jordan Peele often using intense detail and stories that always come back full circle, while also giving the audience a chance to take the movie at face value or dig into the deeper meaning of the film. Either way, this film is enjoyable, terrifying, and intense all throughout. The cast is perfect; all the characters create such a beautiful dynamic with one another. A favorite of ours was Keke Palmer’s character Emerald, who provides charm and comedic relief for the audience. Out of many unforgettable effects and scenes in this film, some that really stood out to us were the disturbing and unsettling scenes of Gordy, especially between him and young Jupiter. Another image that will never leave our heads is the Haywood home covered in blood, as Emerald watches it stream down the window from inside the house. One more thing about this film that can’t go unnoticed is the sound design; the horrific screams of those being captured and digested by Jean Jacket sent chills down our spines. Overall, we can all agree that this film was amazing and probably the best Sci-Fi film of the year so far.