I asked a student from Edsel Ford High School 10 questions. Their answers will act as clues. Let’s see if you can figure out who the mystery student is by the clues!
Q: What is your favorite childhood memory?
A: “One of my favorite childhood memories was walking on the beach with my mom and my sister when we used to live in South Carolina.”
Q: What’s your zodiac sign?
A: “Aries.- I was born on April 11th,”
Q: What’s your favorite school subject?
A: “Art.”
Q: Do you have any siblings?
A: “Oldest of three other siblings, 2 younger sisters and one younger brother.”
Q: What song would make the best theme music for you?
A: “ Come As You Are’’ by Nirvana.
Q: If you could tell your past self one thing what would it be?
A: One thing I would tell my past self is to always look toward the future.
Q: If you could eliminate one word from the English language what would it be?
A: I would eliminate the word Bologna from the English Language.
Q: What’s your favorite cheesy pick up line?
A: Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?
Q: Who do you think shouldn’t be a celebrity and why?
A: “The Kardashians should not be celebrities because they didn’t really do anything and seem overly dramatic .’’
Q: If you could live in another time period. What would it be and why?
A: “Renaissance or Medieval time because life seems like it would be a lot more simpler than it is now.’’